Café Memories

Caffea Arabica

Coffea Arabica  - Arabica coffee is the most popular coffee bean in the world, accounting for round 65% of world coffee manufacturing.   It originated in the highlands of Ethiopia and has been exported round the arena. Now, it makes up nearly the entirety of the arena’s specialty coffee market. Because the Arabica coffee plant originated in the highland regions of Ethiopia it requires high altitudes and is quite sensitive to high temperatures. It could additionally best be grown in what's known as the " Coffee Belt " – The equatorial areas among the Tropic of cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Arabica coffee beans carry out with sweet with chocolate, caramel, fruit, nut, and floral notes. However, the exact flavour profile relies upon highly on the style of beans, the growing place, and the processing method used.








     Until very early 20th century, Excelsa was considered a coffee variety in its own right. However, it has been reclassified to a Liberian variety  called Coffea dwerevei. Due to its very different characteristics, many  still consider it different from Liberica. 

    Originally from Central Africa, it was identified in 1903 and shows some significant differences from C. Arabica and C.Reed plants. First of all, it is a tree, not a shrub. It therefore requires vertical space to grow rather than expanding into the available space. It  also has a naturally lower  caffeine content and is more disease resistant. 

Excelsa coffee plants are  grown primarily in India and Southeast Asia, where they are often blended with the humble Robusta coffee beans.

 It has fewer soluble solids than Arabica coffee, so it needs to be roasted at higher temperatures or  longer to release its flavours. Excelsa coffees have intense berry notes alongside other fruity aromas. Darker cooking unleashes a creamy, chocolaty-sweet style. 

     After all, demand for Excel's coffee is incredibly low. This, coupled with the challenges of growing and processing the beans, makes it unlikely that global coffee cultivation will increase anytime soon.


Coffea Liberica



    Pure Liberica coffee is difficult to find these days. Liberia makes up the significant portion of the 3% of coffee production.

    Liberia in West Africa is where liberica first appeared. The trees can reach a height of 40 feet in this region and provide beans that are much larger than Arabica or Robusta. Liberica coffee cherries only really grow in Africa and Asia since that can't face much rapid climate change. 

   Global coffee growers urgently required a solution when coffee leaf rot killed over 90% of the Arabica stock throughout the world. The Philippines was the first country to emphasis on Liberica coffee plants, followed by many others. There are still numerous Liberica plants operating now in the world.

    Liberica has a flavour that can be very bold and similar to Robusta's, but it also has an unique smoky component. Even though some people refer to it as " Liquid Tobacco " these uncommon coffee beans surely aren't for everyone. 

   Compared to Arabica or Robusta coffee, liberica contains less caffeine. However, it is not always simple to identify separate Liberica from coffee farms due to a lack of unique features.






Coffea Canephora


      Coffea canephora’s second most popular variety, Robusta, accounts for about 30% of all coffee bean production. Although Robusta coffee originated in the region of Uganda in Eastern Africa, today the majority of it is farmed in Vietnam. 

Robusta has various advantages over other coffee bean varieties, including the following: 

   Robusta coffee beans are rubbery, bitter, and grainy. Due to higher levels of Caffeine and Chlorogenic acid as well as reduced sugar content, they are also more acidic. Millions of coffee drinkers around the world enjoy its bitter flavour, added to a dark, smoky roast.


Coffee Belt
